Bose Einstein Wins a Nobel Prize

Below are some links to information about the Nobel Prize, mostly from the website. All linked content (video, etc.) are copyright © Nobel Web AB 2001 and are presented here as hyperlinks.
Nobel Laureates in Physics interview with Drs. Cornell, Wieman and Ketterle with Joanna Rose, science writer on 12 December, 2001.
The Laureates talk about their memories of the day of the discovery, the importance of competition (5:51), the significance of producing the condensate (11:44), big issues in physics (15:01), receiving the Nobel Prize at an early age (21:49) and their future work (25:36).
- Video of Interview (30 minutes) [You will need Real Player to view]
Carl E. Wieman Nobel Lecture:
Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Dilute Gas; The First 70 Years and Some Recent Experiments (8 December 2001)
- Video of Presentation of Dr. Wieman by Professor Mats Jonson, Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Physics (1 minute)
- Video of Nobel lecture by Dr. Wieman (39 minutes)
- Lecture in text format
Eric A. Cornell Nobel Lecture:
Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Dilute Gas; The First 70 Years and Some Recent Experiments (8 December 2001)
- Video of Presentation of Dr. Cornell by Professor Mats Jonson, Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Physics (1 minute)
- Video of Nobel lecture by Dr. Cornell (39 minutes)
- Lecture in text format
Dr. Wolfgang Ketterle:
When Atoms Behave as Waves: Bose-Einstein Condensation and the Atom Laser
- Video of Presentation of Dr. Ketterle by Professor Mats Jonson, Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Physics (1 minute)
- Video of Nobel lecture by Dr. Ketterle (40 minutes)
- Lecture in text format
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